User regulations from 01.09.2024

In order to ensure a peaceful and smooth visit to the Wasen for all visitors, the following rules of use apply for the duration of the Cannstatter Volksfest and the Stuttgart Spring Festival.

The Cannstatter Wasen is used in the fall and spring for the public event of the “Cannstatter Volksfest” and the “Stuttgarter Frühlingsfest”. It is generally accessible within the scope of its intended purpose and in accordance with the following regulations.

Use of the festival grounds is at your own risk.The organizer accepts no liability whatsoever. By entering the festival grounds, these rules of use are deemed to have been accepted.

From 1.30 a.m. to 6.00 a.m. unauthorized persons are not permitted on the festival grounds.

Children under the age of 6 are not permitted in the beer and wine tents from 8.00 p.m., even if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Children under the age of 14 are only permitted to stay on the festival grounds from 8.00 p.m. if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Young people under the age of 16 may only be on the festival grounds from 10.00 p.m. if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

1.1 Within the festival grounds, every person must behave in such a way that others are not harmed, endangered or - more than is unavoidable under the circumstances - hindered or inconvenienced. Structures, parts of structures and other facilities may only be used in accordance with their intended purpose and may not be damaged.1.2 Instructions from the security service must be followed.

1.3 All entrances to and exits from the festival grounds as well as escape routes must be kept clear.

2. visitors to the festival grounds are prohibited in particular from:

2.1 carrying, using, keeping ready for use or distribute weapons and other objects and substances which are objectively dangerous by their nature or which are suitable and intended to cause injury to persons or damage to property. This includes in particular irritant gas sprayers, cutting, striking, thrusting, stabbing and firearms, electric shock devices, corrosive and coloring liquids, baseball bats and similar sports equipment as well as bulky objects and flags.

2.2 To bring bottles, cups, jugs or cans made of fragile or hard material (glass, PET, plastic, etc.) onto the festival grounds.

2.3 to make fires and to bring or burn highly flammable materials, pyrotechnic objects such as flares, rockets and other fireworks.

2.4 Carrying animals. Guide dogs may be carried without restriction.

2.5 to relieve oneself outside the toilets.

2.6 to damage, write on, paint on, affix stickers to or otherwise deface structures, facilities or paths.

2.7 climbing on or over structures or parts of structures not intended for general use, in particular facades, fences, walls and other boundaries, barriers, lighting equipment, trees, masts, roofs and tents and their superstructures.

2.8 to enter areas not authorized for visitors, such as caravan areas, storage areas behind the festival operations, etc.

2.9 to bring in drinks of any kind.

2.10 Outside the allocated stand areas and without official permission, the sale of goods of all kinds, the serving of food and drink, the offering of commercial services, the distribution of advertising material and other items, the soliciting of orders and the organization of amusements is prohibited.

The ban also applies to non-commercial performances and services.

2.11 The hawking of goods, the distribution of advertising material of any kind or other objects, begging and peddling as well as musical and artistic performances (outside the allocated areas).

2.12 to bring gas-filled balloons and similar objects with a metal-coated surface onto the festival grounds.

2.13 to consume cannabis.

Visitors who violate these rules of use may be expelled from the festival grounds. In the event of gross or repeated violations, they will be excluded from the fairground for the duration of this and future events.

The perpetrator is liable for culpable damage.

Violations may be punished under criminal law.

These user regulations shall enter into force on the day following their public announcement.At the same time, the previous user regulations of the City of Stuttgart shall cease to apply.