Public transport

By the ”SBahn” system and regional train services
S1, S2 or S3 or RE90, MEX12, MEX13, MEX16, MEX18, MEX19, MEX90 to Bad Cannstatt station. Then walk for less than 10 minutes following the signs.The exit via the underpass on Elwertstraße has a baby carriage ramp.
Temporarily changed visitor guidance: The two underpasses between the Wasen site and Bad Cannstatt will function as "one-way streets" for pedestrians on busy days (Sat. 28.09., Thu. 03.10., Fri. 04.10., Sat. 05.10., Sat. 12.10., Sun. 13.10., possibly other days), then applies:
- access to the Wasen grounds via the subway at Kegelenstraße
- exit towards Bad Cannstatt via the subway at Elwertstraße
With the “U-Bahn"- The light railway system
Stops in the immediate vicinity of the Cannstatter Wasen: Cannstatter WasenU11 (special line on all days), U19 (Monday to Friday until 8 p.m.).
NeckarPark (stadium)
U11 (special line; only during events in the Hallenduo and the MHPArena Stuttgart), U19 (until 8 p.m.)
Bad Cannstatt Wilhelmsplatz
stop U1, U2, U13, U16, U19 (Monday to Friday until 8 p.m.)
MercedesstraßeU1, U2, U11 (special line on all days), U13, U16
By bus / night bus
NeckarPark (stadium) 45, N5
Bus stop Bad Cannstatt Wilhelmsplatz 45, N4, N5, N6
Take either the S1, S2 or S3 SBahn services or respectively the R1, R2, R3 or R8 trains to the Bad Cannstatt station. Following the signposts, the festival site is a 10-minute walk away.